Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Master Chef, A Sell Out if I ever saw one

Give me a break ! Joe the absolute "King of Cuisine" has torn contestants apart about their cooking attempts, not meeting his standards, Gordon with his comments about quality and "Standards". The only guy that's genuine on this show is the Fat guy!
Let's go back to the show where they first mentioned Wal-Mart quality beef. I asked are you kidding me, forgive me I get caught up in the show, I thought if this is a trend, this show and the guys in it can go to hot place!
Last episode for me was "Cooking on the Trail" with Wal-Mart steaks. You know it would be different, yet still  unforgivable, if they needed ratings, but they don't. I didn't know these guys were for sale, but as far as I'm concerned, Kitchen Nightmares, Hells Kitchen and anything else Mr. Ramsey and his buddies put their blessing on, can Kiss my butt!
Their credibility is out the window with me, the spirit and hearts of  people have been ruined by these clowns.
 I was about ready to shut down Hells Kitchen anyway. Too many F bombs, so little time. The whole concept is beginning to looked staged to me. Are those  people real? Do they really cook in restaurants? Now, the only time we "eat out" is on the patio! The restaurant business is dead, I have a good friend that has to close his place at 3 pm, breakfast is his busy time. Time for new hope and change, the sooner the  better!!

What a crock of poop! Where's Gordon?
What happened to the aging process, the quality purveyors, USDA Prime, everybody and their brother sells USDA Choice. Is Wal-Mart now the "Peoples Choice"? Far from it, Wal-Mart beef sales pretty much suck, and they lured these guys into giving Wal-Mart credibility, the only thing achieved here, was them losing theirs!  Look at Joe's expression at the end, it's like. thank God I didn't say it!

I just got back from a trip to Wal-Mart, Strip Steak and Rib Eye @ $11.49 a Lb. Filet Mignon $14.49 a Lb. Presentation, pre-packaged, looks terrible. Looks nothing like steak presented on video. 1/2 inch steaks on a grill will never cook right. 3/4 or 1 inch steaks will finish properly and at the right doneness. Remember "standards" according to Chef Ramsey. Do they think all home cooks are morons? Picked up these Strip steaks at a local Super market (Harris Teeter) $7.99 a Lb.(on sale) and I hand picked them from the meat case, from a butcher. They were fabulous!  Photo enclosed. Look, I'm not picking on Wal-Mart, but the meat business is way out of their league. Stick to what you do best, screwing over the little guys.
Newsflash! Wal-Mart is the exclusive vendor to Master Chef, produce, meat, everything! Adios, Mu chachos!

(editing requested by my grandkids)

Friday, October 26, 2012

What's That I'm Smellin'?







The Perfect Watermelon
Pontiac "Goat Trailer"
Posted 10/12/11
I remember as if it were yesterday, I was driving down I-94 in the  now famous Pontiac "Goat Trailer"It was very warm that day 90 degrees and the AC wasn't working but I did have a back up. In those days we called it a "460" (4 windows down at 60 miles per hour) At that time I was working at the Chevrolet plant in Ypsilanti (pronounced Ipsilati). It was a huge plant which at that time built the biggest POS ever to take the open road, The Chevrolet Nova. The Covair was made and put to rest there. So we were 2 for 2.
This was a very hostile union plant and if you weren't driving a GM product bad things would accidentally happen to your ride, if you know what I mean. Any Ford product parked in the plant lot was a car fire waiting to happen.

Lepus Everywhere!
I'm getting way off track here. Back to the story, my wife worked for a small local grocery in nearby Belleville and she would always take stuff home to feed the goats, horses and rabbits. I say rabbits because my wife didn't want them caged up. So one day we opened their cage and let them run free.

"Honey Wagon"
 I keep Dejevuing, any way I'm driving down I-94 and I keep smelling a "Honey Wagon" (garbage truck) behind me, in front of me, beside me, I was awash in stink! But I was the only car on the road, I'm thinking. the goat poop and pee has somehow returned with a vicious vengeance, I felt like Seinfeld after the BO guy." I've gotta sell this car". It kept getting worse and worse. I finally pulled into the driveway, did a Capt Kirk onto the drive way and  I could still smell it. It was coming from the car! A very strange feeling came over me. Could it be, no, could it be coming from the trunk, did she kill somebody at work and forgot about the body. I was afraid to open it. I finally did, The whole trunk was full of the most stinky, rotten watermelons you ever smelt.
When she finally came home, I asked her about it. Her response "I got them free from work, they were for the animals, I forgot about them!" I asked how long ago did you get them. "about a month ago" Another mystery solved. Wait until you hear the "Horse Apple" story! Oh! my wife wrote a song about me. Take a listen.
til next time


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cleaning Tips for Your 4 Legged Companions

This post is about the three P"s, puppies, poop and pee, just like we do, but don't let your house be their toilet.
Pure Goldens
About 3 years ago our beautiful girl Sarah presented us with a wonderful gift, actually, seven of them. Everything was fine and dandy (for a while) until Mommy started getting tired and stopped cleaning up after them. I was home more, so I became the new "Nanny".

Step (1)

50% Water
50% Vinegar
We raised them in a spare bedroom in the house, because we planned on giving them new homes,so positive human contact was very important. I wanted them all potty trained outside before they left. We have always had pets and trained them ourselves. In fact my wife is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. I asked her the best way and she told me all breeds are different and respond in different ways. So I'll leave that for the professionals.
Now I had a "Puppy" x 7, here is the way I did it. Probably, the most important thing is timing. Watch your puppy very closely and don't be afraid to take them out once every hour or so, and just be patient. Pick them up and take them out. Believe it or not, some dogs don't want you watching them, so just look up.
One Teaspoon
Step (3)
Step (3)
If they have an accident inside, take the "number two" out side and put it in the area you want them to poop, and next time out make sure  they get a whiff of it. If its pee, here's how to clean it. First, grab a roll of paper towels, we have a basket full of cotton dish towels that we used to set aside for accidents, and drop it on top of the crime scene and step on it to soak it all up, you may need to do it twice. Then mix a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water. Work the stain with enough solution and brush to go deep down into the carpet, the vinegar will neutralize the odor. When it's almost dry, sprinkle some baking powder over the crime scene and wait a few minutes. While waiting mix 1/2 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of detergent and work into the spot. Allow it to dry and then vacuum, with a shop vac if possible. Then you should be good to go.
Another Option; I used
potty training our puppies
Now that we cleaned the crime scene, let's get back to the timing. Some people that have  small or toy breeds,  let them eliminate in the house, I guess that's okay, but the other half of potty training is the reward part. If you don't see them poop, how can you reward them? They love it when you praise them for getting it right, they really do.
When you begin the trips outside, every 1/2 hour for the first few days is the right way to go. They will and do get the idea pretty quickly. They would rather go outside anyway. That's where all the good smells are. Since I had the seven puppies, I used  an outside pen (I hooked 3 of them together) just like the one on the right. Go get the puppies and put them in the pen. I could see their progress through the patio door. Make sure you are consistent on feeding times. My pets know when it's time to eat even if I forget. Their reward was a small bit of American cheese which they loved. As a matter of fact, they would sit on command, and they were all potty trained before they went to their new homes.
As your puppy grows from week to week the trips outside can be less frequent,  but reward and praise for a job well done is what they thrive on, at this stage of their life.
Oh, by the way, the other three P's
Patience, Persistence and Praise!
 Check out Andy, he just found out he's graduated Potty Training!

Til next time~

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My "Family" Home Made Pizza, I'm givin' it up Ma!

Favorite Mixing Bowl

Yeast is active
This dough is "Kneedy"
Ingredients list; Active Dry yeast ( one packet) Canola Oil,Gold Medal "Unbleached" flour, Wheat Gluten , "Whole" milk Mozzarella and a tablespoon of Sugar.

Well I'm turning it loose, no secrets will be kept, all the pictures and directions will be real from start to finish. All set, here we go.
Perfect Dough Ball
First, get a mixing bowl, add about one and a half cups of hot tap water about 110 degrees or so, we don't want to kill the yeast. Then add 1 packet of yeast, 1/4 cup of canola oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar. I always use a fork for mixing,easy to clean when you're done. If the yeast doesn't activate, the water is to hot, the yeast is old or in my case, Jackies watching it.

What I'm showing you is the step by step process of preparing the dough. We're not going to add the Gluten until after we get the yeast active. (don't add Gluten if your allergic).  If you have noticed your baked goods, cakes and yeast recipes have lost some of their quality, it's not you. Gluten has slowly but surely been taken out of flour and wheat products for a long time. Back to the task at hand. After the yeast is active add the tablespoon of Gluten. Make sure it's blended well with the yeast mixture, then proceed. The most important step is coming up, so if you need a break from all this stress, go now.
Box of
Wheat Gluten
About 45 minutes
 Adding the flour is the most critical step, too much, it's over, not enough your hands will never be clean again. My technique is to pour the flour from the bag and work it in slowly, until you get to density in picture (3). At this point you're ready to work it Baby! Get your hands in it, put some oil on your hands, first,  now roll, pound and push. Add a sprinkling of flour now and then to keep it from staying to sticky. When it starts to behave and is moist, not wet, form it into the Dough Ball. Then cover with a kitchen towel and put it on the counter or stove. After about 45 minutes (picture 5) it should have risen to twice the size and have a wonderful doughy aroma. Now as you can see I set the Dough Ball on the stove (We used to have a kid in school we called Dough Ball, he loved it) Today it would be "bullying." Sometimes if you're in a hurry, preheat the stove to 450 Degrees, turn it off when it beeps, set the dough on a cooling rack on top of the back burner. There's enough extra heat to cut the rising time in half and still retain the quality of the dough. There should be enough dough to make a 12 inch and a 9x12 inch pizza. For a deep dish crust, punish the Dough Ball again and do a "Double Rise", thick and chewy that's as good as it gets. Next time Let's cook this "Bad Boy"!

Now, Let's make some Pizza! Please Leave a comment. Thank You! Til next time

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Now, Let's Bake this Thing! Kabish?

Right amount of dough
for a 9x12
ready to top
Pre Heat oven to 400 Degrees. As you can see by the image on the left, I plopped part of the dough ball on my favorite pizza pan. Make sure you coat the pan with Canola oil or Wesson oil. Don't be stingy with the oil. You can drain the excess by tilting the pan. This is the right amount of dough for a 9x12 square pizza. I put the other dough ball in a freezer bag, dated it and put it in the freezer. Do not use Olive oil, it doesn't heat fast enough, and after all this work  you want the best finished product you can get. Now let's spread the dough! Oil your hands, and spread from the center out until you get the dough  end to end and side to side. It takes a little doing, but you'll get it, If you tear some holes in the dough, don't worry, just pinch them closed. Then pinch along the edges to form you edge crust. My wife loves the corner pieces.
Ready to take the heat.

Now Your ready to top it off. If you have a sauce in mind, go for it. The sauce and topping I use are Contadina pizza sauce, down here in NC I can only find it at Kroger. Sorrento "Whole Milk" mozzarella and then you can use your imagination. Peppers, pepperoni, onions, sausage, etc. Make sure the mozzarella you use is whole milk, that's what the good pizza shops use, it has a beautiful melt,  taste and color. 

The Star of
the show!
Cooking time varies, gas stove, electric stove. I use an electric stove. Make sure you place the pizza on the middle shelf of the oven. A rule of thumb is to do a visible check after 15 minutes of baking. Then it's up to you, how dark do you want it. All I'm showing is the way my family likes it. You know you've got a great pizza when you can lift the whole pizza with a spatula. If my Mother sees this I'm gonna get baked! Not to worry, she thinks the "internet" has something to do with the Boston Celtics.
til next time

I don't throw the dough, these guys do.
"In Crust We Trust".

Avacados, How Can You Tell?

Last summer here in North Carolina, we had a real problem with Haas Avocados, so bad that even green ones were rotten inside.I never bring fruit or vegetables back for a refund, but after being burnt several times, I had had enough. I know they are from Mexico but Trader Joe's wanted me happy so they credited even for the other 4 packs that I had long thrown away. Since then they have changed Avocado suppliers.They now have Mission Organic still from Mexico. So far so good.
From Left to right
(1) (2) (3) or (4)
When I buy them loose, I'' always get them in different shades of green. That way 4 will last a week and none will over ripen. Oh, oh, the mailman just came, I need to make sure he didn't drop it on the ground again, Be right back..... Hello again, a new twist, he made sure the junk mail made it into the mail box and you guessed it, the good mail is on the ground. Look, believe it or not I got a rebate check back from Staples. I guess I did  all 50 rebate rules right.
Number 3
Now, you need to guess which avocado in the picture is ready to eat. If you guessed 4, (ready tommorow) wrong, 2 (ready in three days)  wrong, 1 (ready in two days) wrong, 3 is correct. As a matter of fact this was number 3 givin' it up for the K man. Make sure you pop the pit out and shave the skin off. (that's what she said) Oh, and that's how to open an Avocado. Take a knife (your safest one) score it in half pop it open and you're done.

Let's make something with this, hmmm, what do you think?
Wholley Molley ---------!
Til next time

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Music Critique, "Sleigh Bells" or Something Else?

I think they spelled sleigh wrong. Sleigh is usually associated with Santa Claus and gifts, not only was it lip synced, it was lip synced badly.  I think Slay would be the proper spelling. What a train wreck. Maybe if I'm a girl with 35 tatoos, I'll buy the sneakers, a Cleopatra wig, sure, what the heck, this CD. really??  I  want to cut these kids a break, they are looking for the big time. Guess what, finally artists like Adele and newer talent like Karmin are showing up and techno pop and all the added "wawawa" junk is going by the wayside.Thank you! Who are the folks that pick who  goes on these shows? ( I watched it again, it's worse than I thought!} It sounds like another suicide song to me. I love songs like, "People get ready for a Trains a comin" Guess what? Lorne Michael produced both of these shows! Watch the credits.
Take a look! The late  Motown great, Curtis Mayfield and the very talented Taylor Dane. Someplace in England or politically correct U.K. If you look real close in the background, after the sax player does his solo, he airplays it like a guitar. Cool!

Monday, September 3, 2012

How does Beef and Vegetable Stir Fry Sound? Recipe Time!

This recipe makes four servings, I'll give you the nutritional information up front. This way you can decide to make it or not. Good idea? This information is based on per serving: 350 calories; 7 Grams of total Fat; 690 Milligrams of Sodium.

 Just for you,Vince, Mr. Slap Chop and my favorite the best thing since the Snuggle the "Sham Wow"I was looking to put some "How to" slice vegetables video but they were putting me to sleep. Then I found Vince and thought you would like to go down memory lane. Now the promised Beef and Vegetable stir-fry You will need one pound of fresh Asparagus, 12 ounces of round steak, 3 tablespoons of all purpose flour, 1 gallon freezer bag, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon honey, 1/4 cup water, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 teas. of crushed red pepper flakes, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil divided,4 small carrots chopped, 1 red and yellow bell pepper cut into 1/2 inch strips, 1 cup sliced white mushrooms, 1 cup of broccoli florets, 1/2 Small red onion 2 cups of cooked rice. (1) Trim asparagus's and slice in 1" pieces. Peel carrots and slice into 1/4" slices, set both aside. (2) Slice steak thinly (stick it in the freezer for about an hour and it slices easier) and place in freezer bag with flour, shake to coat and set aside.(3) In a small bowl, whisk together 1 tbsp. oil, soy sauce,honey, water, garlic and red pepper flakes. (4) Heat remaining oil in a large skillet or wok over med. high heat until very hot. Carefully add steak and carrots and stir fry for 4 minutes. (5) Stirring constantly, carefully stir in sauce mixture and stir fry for one minute. (6) Add remaining vegetables and stir fry 3 minutes more. Serve immediately over rice. Enjoy!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Now We're off to Merry Lake

We usually stay at Papa Jack's for a couple of days, or until we keep finding him out in his garden. This usually means, for a guy approaching 90, "get the hell out of here!" So we gather up the kids, and off we go, to Merry Lake. The lake is in a town, Camden Mi. which is literally a tobacco spit from the Ohio line. Pioneer Ohio is the first town across the line. This is very important to the story I'm about to tell.
We went to some garage sales in Pioneer on our way to the lake, and I asked one lady if she knew Russ Lanius, he used to be the service manager at a Canon dealer where I was the sales manager back in the 80's. She said of course, they're on their way to NC for a vacation. I can call them for you. So, right then and there, she calls them and I talked to his wife, gave her our email address and she said they would get in touch with me. It was freaky! A few days later, I got an email from a Blackberry it was Russ, the message was "I just left Wauseon H.S and I'm on my way to Mac Steel, talk to you soon". The guys still on the same service call  I sent him on 30 years ago. Hilarious!
MacSteel had one of the worst driveways I had ever seen, that's probably why it's taken him so long! What's really freaky, is that we were traveling from NC to MI on the same weekend. I think we need to keep in touch, and yes, he has a daughter named Missy. You can't make this up!

Next post~Germanator shows up on Merry Lake vacation

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summer Vacation in Detroit, part 2

We arrived at Papa Jacks house, a neat little 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with a "Michigan" basement. I was a real estate agent for a time, and you couldn't count basements in the square footage, so it is less than a 750 square foot home. A "Michigan" basement was added well after the home was built, because you needed some more room. They would shovel underneath the house, raise the house. put it on rafters, and dig the basement. For me that task has "move" written all over it. They were affordable and built and designed for one purpose, to house workers who were coming in from all over the country, to get a great paying job, from the car companies. Henry Fords idea about affordable cars for the workers, took root in the housing market as well.The car companies hired anybody and everybody they could. The demand was incredible. Glass makers, housing, retail, if you relocated in the Detroit area, you were going to do well financially in a very short time. Back to the vacation, we had two grandkids with us, Zoe and Corgan, Butch and Zozo to Papa Jack.

Our arrival dinner was the usual, Caprara Pizza, right down the street on Northline Rd.(Nortline to the locals) It was a fresh dough ready to bake pizza in an aluminum pizza pan for $8.50. You took it home, followed cooking directions on the bag. and viola, dinner time.
Check out my first vacation blog, and play the parade video and the Detroit 2012 video at the same time, it is eerie. I did it by mistake, but what a story they tell.
Next blog, "Arrive at Merry Lake"

Friday, July 20, 2012

Today We Clean (don't say it) The Window Blinds!

We have rented this house for six years and have never cleaned the blinds. The kitchen, dining nook and living room are  one great space. All the times the smoke detector went off because of burnt offerings left on the stove. Jackie experimenting with a new stove top idea for her artwork. The numerous coffee explosions, from our beloved Corning Ware 9 cup perculator, and last but not least, her favorite blackened salmon in olive oil. It gets the prize for worst mess ever! Jackie's reaction to "Blind Cleaning?" Play both videos at the same time, hilarious!
64 ounces $1.00
Dollar Store
I was going to take a before and after picture but I'm only going to show the after picture. Let me put it this way, I forgot what color they were until I started the cleaning process. I yelled out to Jackie, "you owe me a dollar, they are white!"
$5.00 kiddie pool
The blinds were beyond the blind brush or vacuum stage. They needed a take down tub washing. If you are facing a similar task, I have a system that works wonderfully for me.

My process is called,
"One Blind at a Time"
Our blinds after cleaning
Things you're going to need, 2 /64 ounce refill bottles of Awesome Orange Degreaser, $2.00 gets you 128 ounces at the Dollar Store, a kiddie pool, everyone has one, if not $5.00 at the store of your choice.  Soaking mixture 2 bottles of AO into pool, add 3 large buckets of hot water into pool and you're ready to start soakin', You will need rubber gloves, by the way. Remove first blind, take to the "soaker", take a sponge to the blind then swish it back and forth a few tmes and let soak. While it soaks  I take the opportunity to clean the windows. After you get the window cleaned inside out. Remove blind from soaker and rinse with hose. I laid the cleaned shade on the front porch railing to dry. Take next blind out and repeat the process. Once second window is clean, you're ready to put the first blind back in place. They don't get mixed up and the window is completely finished!
I used to dump all the blinds in the bathtub at the same time to clean them, needless to say I could never match the blinds to the right windows. I had to go to"bed sheet" backup. This system really works well.
Til next time~

Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Stuff on Etsy. Shop, itsasgoodasitgets

We have over a hundred items listed and growing. The response has been fabulous. Shop opened a month ago and we have sold several items already.
Check us out!

Shop name/ its as good as it gets

See you there!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some Memories to Share on Mother's Day

I bought something the other day at an estate sale and the memories of my growing up just exploded in my brain. Not the bad stuff, the good stuff. I got plenty of bad ones, maybe I'll share those on "Father's Day."
Quickube Ice Cube Tray
This whole post is about a certain summer, when I was about seven. Growing up in a family of twelve, there was one sound you heard but were helpless to respond to. It was a beautiful sound, it was like the Pied Piper of Hamlin. Children would run screaming through the streets just to be the first in line. Yes, the dreaded, Ice Cream truck! My mother had a remedy for that, the old frozen Kool Aid pops right out of the Quickube. Back in Boston we didn't get near Kool Aid, it was the heavenly nectar in the glass bottle, Za-Rex. I know the makers of the stuff originally named it Zarex. They figured we would murder the name with our accents, so Za-Rex it became.
Original Bottle
I remember the M.D.C. swimming pool I used to go to every sunny day during the summer. On a hot day, the line to get in was so long, an official would come out and count the pool capacity and send the over flow back home. It cost a penny to get in, and do you know what a penny can do to soft brick on a building,while people get bored waiting in line?
M.D.C. building wall
I also remember if a Red Sox game was on the radio, you could hear it all through the neighborhood.Everybody just sitting in their  homes,or on their porch, with a big old fan running, just trying to stay cool, and listen to the game.
Blueberry picking, when my mother would get in a pie baking mood, and I would get Poison Ivy. Picking flowering weeds for my mother, I thought  were Violets, and just give them to her, even when I wasn't in trouble.
Sometimes, I would sit in the kitchen while she was cooking, (her spaghetti sauce smelled wonderful, it just didn't taste very good) and tell her "corny" jokes, even though she's in her 90's, she still remembers.
The Kids Day at Pomeworth Park. The City of Stoneham where I lived used to have a kids day, three legged races, watermelon, ice cream and fun games. My brother Joey and I hooked up for the wheelbarrow race, I was the wheelbarrow. We won it, I felt like  a super hero! I think that's the last time I talked to Joey. Let's just say "Some people mature, some just get old"
I remember getting into a pretty serious fight with one of my brothers, and my mother lovingly yelling, "don't hit him in the face!" The time I was trusted to go buy the bread at Hanks Bakery and was told that I could buy some candy for doing this chore. The bread was 2 bucks, I spent all the change on candy, ouch! 3 bucks worth of candy back then? One night my brother Henry was locked out because he stayed out to late. He snuck in through a window and I heard him quietly sneak into his bed and breathe a sigh of relief. Next morning, at dawn, my mother came in and beat the hell out of him with a broom and yelled, "I know about the cigarettes, too!"
My most touching memory, when my mother would sit down at her old, half of the keys didn't work piano, and practice the hymn she was going to sing at Sunday mass.
I don't think I ever told her this, but that's where the love of music was given to me, from my mother. I still remember like it was yesterday. Don't forget, visit us on  Shop, its as good as it gets. Father's Day is on the way!

Happy Mother's Day!
All we did was hit each other in the face! I wouldn't bet on the brother with the pink gloves.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Take a look at our store

With Mothers Day coming up, why not get Mom some Vintage jewelry. Take a look at our store, all the prices are fixed. No auction hassle, no getting beat out at the last second by someone's that had a gazillion transactions.
The site is easy to use, and you never know, you may have a bunch of stuff laying around that you can make some extra money on, in these tough times.
Quiet evening at home
Some rules that apply, items must be vintage, (25 years or older), handmade by someone, and spare parts. If you're not a "pack rat" hit some garage sales, church rummage sales and become one. As you can see, Jackie and I are enjoying a quiet evening at home. The paper I'm reading is dated May 20th 1978, the Wyandotte News Herald. This picture was taken in 2002. As you can see, we do have some extra things laying around. How would you like to see our storage rental?
She loves books
wife's recurring

She really loves books, one time I asked her about getting a "Kindle Fire" She said," the landlord asked us not to use the fireplace," I said no, it can download all your favorite books and you can read them anytime you want. She laughed, "Yeah, right!" and left the room. Seriously though, take a look at our site, and maybe It can help you "de-clutter."Go to Our store sites name is,  its as good as it gets, just type the name in the search box, watch a few tutorials and ask some questions. My next post will be around Mother's Day, our Anniversary is the same week. Happy Mothers Day. One whole week of lavishness! Til next Time~
I don't work for 1-800-flowers but this video is very touching and entertaining.