Friday, October 26, 2012

What's That I'm Smellin'?







The Perfect Watermelon
Pontiac "Goat Trailer"
Posted 10/12/11
I remember as if it were yesterday, I was driving down I-94 in the  now famous Pontiac "Goat Trailer"It was very warm that day 90 degrees and the AC wasn't working but I did have a back up. In those days we called it a "460" (4 windows down at 60 miles per hour) At that time I was working at the Chevrolet plant in Ypsilanti (pronounced Ipsilati). It was a huge plant which at that time built the biggest POS ever to take the open road, The Chevrolet Nova. The Covair was made and put to rest there. So we were 2 for 2.
This was a very hostile union plant and if you weren't driving a GM product bad things would accidentally happen to your ride, if you know what I mean. Any Ford product parked in the plant lot was a car fire waiting to happen.

Lepus Everywhere!
I'm getting way off track here. Back to the story, my wife worked for a small local grocery in nearby Belleville and she would always take stuff home to feed the goats, horses and rabbits. I say rabbits because my wife didn't want them caged up. So one day we opened their cage and let them run free.

"Honey Wagon"
 I keep Dejevuing, any way I'm driving down I-94 and I keep smelling a "Honey Wagon" (garbage truck) behind me, in front of me, beside me, I was awash in stink! But I was the only car on the road, I'm thinking. the goat poop and pee has somehow returned with a vicious vengeance, I felt like Seinfeld after the BO guy." I've gotta sell this car". It kept getting worse and worse. I finally pulled into the driveway, did a Capt Kirk onto the drive way and  I could still smell it. It was coming from the car! A very strange feeling came over me. Could it be, no, could it be coming from the trunk, did she kill somebody at work and forgot about the body. I was afraid to open it. I finally did, The whole trunk was full of the most stinky, rotten watermelons you ever smelt.
When she finally came home, I asked her about it. Her response "I got them free from work, they were for the animals, I forgot about them!" I asked how long ago did you get them. "about a month ago" Another mystery solved. Wait until you hear the "Horse Apple" story! Oh! my wife wrote a song about me. Take a listen.
til next time


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