Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My "Family" Home Made Pizza, I'm givin' it up Ma!

Favorite Mixing Bowl

Yeast is active
This dough is "Kneedy"
Ingredients list; Active Dry yeast ( one packet) Canola Oil,Gold Medal "Unbleached" flour, Wheat Gluten , "Whole" milk Mozzarella and a tablespoon of Sugar.

Well I'm turning it loose, no secrets will be kept, all the pictures and directions will be real from start to finish. All set, here we go.
Perfect Dough Ball
First, get a mixing bowl, add about one and a half cups of hot tap water about 110 degrees or so, we don't want to kill the yeast. Then add 1 packet of yeast, 1/4 cup of canola oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar. I always use a fork for mixing,easy to clean when you're done. If the yeast doesn't activate, the water is to hot, the yeast is old or in my case, Jackies watching it.

What I'm showing you is the step by step process of preparing the dough. We're not going to add the Gluten until after we get the yeast active. (don't add Gluten if your allergic).  If you have noticed your baked goods, cakes and yeast recipes have lost some of their quality, it's not you. Gluten has slowly but surely been taken out of flour and wheat products for a long time. Back to the task at hand. After the yeast is active add the tablespoon of Gluten. Make sure it's blended well with the yeast mixture, then proceed. The most important step is coming up, so if you need a break from all this stress, go now.
Box of
Wheat Gluten
About 45 minutes
 Adding the flour is the most critical step, too much, it's over, not enough your hands will never be clean again. My technique is to pour the flour from the bag and work it in slowly, until you get to density in picture (3). At this point you're ready to work it Baby! Get your hands in it, put some oil on your hands, first,  now roll, pound and push. Add a sprinkling of flour now and then to keep it from staying to sticky. When it starts to behave and is moist, not wet, form it into the Dough Ball. Then cover with a kitchen towel and put it on the counter or stove. After about 45 minutes (picture 5) it should have risen to twice the size and have a wonderful doughy aroma. Now as you can see I set the Dough Ball on the stove (We used to have a kid in school we called Dough Ball, he loved it) Today it would be "bullying." Sometimes if you're in a hurry, preheat the stove to 450 Degrees, turn it off when it beeps, set the dough on a cooling rack on top of the back burner. There's enough extra heat to cut the rising time in half and still retain the quality of the dough. There should be enough dough to make a 12 inch and a 9x12 inch pizza. For a deep dish crust, punish the Dough Ball again and do a "Double Rise", thick and chewy that's as good as it gets. Next time Let's cook this "Bad Boy"!

Now, Let's make some Pizza! Please Leave a comment. Thank You! Til next time


  1. Is this the recipe that you taught me way back when?

  2. Yes it is, the gluten has to be added now to get the dough to rise right.
