Friday, July 25, 2014

Our 10 Days Near Detroit, Visiting the Family...

This video was made in Southgate Mi. just a few miles from Detroit. We were just on Fort St. last week on our way to my Father in laws house. a.k.a. Papa Jack. Detroit is what it is, but this is what is really going on there in the "Burbs" Nice people enjoying real life. This is the real Michigan. Enjoy the Video.
I'll be posting tid bits about our trip in the coming days, and believe it or not it's mostly positive and funny, except one incident. We were going through Ohio and we drove past a nuclear plant, and I asked my Grandson Corgan if he knew what it was and he said, "if it blows up we will all be killed!"
 Detroit's problems began decades ago with corrupt mayors and crooked unions. I was in the UAW, though I did not choose to be, I had to be. I worked at the Fisher Body plant in Ypsilanti, Mi. Yes, this is a real place, just outside Ann Arbor. The attitude of the workers in the plant was pure hatred and disdain for the company. They would do anything they could to impede production, or stop the line. I really didn't get it. I asked one guy," if we get more cars out the door isn't that a good thing". He told me to shut up, if I knew what was good for me. That was forty something years ago, and what happened in Lansing is the work of "paid thugs". You ask where are the cops?  Did you know that this type of union activity is not against the law? Google it! The car companies were Detroit and the Unions got anything they wanted or they went on strike and stopped production. The cars were crap but we all bought American back then. Now the #1 car company is Toyota.
Guess what, that was in 1968, since then almost a million people have left Detroit proper, and about a 1000 families a month are leaving currently. Michigan used to depend entirely on the auto industry to run their economy, not so today. Detroit as a city is just about finished, the latest idea floating around is to make it into a "Zombie Land Theme Park"  An added note, they added Casino gambling several years ago , with the usual promises, rebuild the city, improve education, blah,blah, blah. The real problem with Detroit is that all the taxpayers have left. The biggest Liberal City failure, ever is on its way to bankruptcy. This video is an example of what is happening in Greece. It's in the beginning stages here.
The City of Detroit, 1962
Play both videos at the same time
the effect is haunting.

The City of Detroit, 2014 Some homes can be purchased for less than a $100. but you have to live in them and take care of the property. This is a video of what's available. Copper plumbing, not included.
What's goin' on?

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