Friday, May 31, 2013

The "Horse Apple" Story

Scene of the Crime
Weapon of Mass Destruction
Apple containers
It was around Christmas, all I remember is that it was the coldest on record in Detroit area history. I got a phone call from my wife, on this call she asked me to do her a favor. "Please fill a shoebox with horse manure and wrap it in Christmas paper, bring it here to work and put it in the front seat of my car." I asked why? She told me they were playing a joke on one of her friends. So I went out to the barn and got a box of "Horse Apples'.

I really hope it doesn't start!
On my way with the Poop

The Poop was pretty frozen and was easily transferred to the container, I'm reading this and can't believe that without hesitation in -20 below weather, I just dropped everything and did what she asked. (I still do it to this day) Unfortunately, my car started and I drove out to the supermarket where she worked. I really had a tough time finding her car. It was a pretty big parking lot, the employees weren't supposed to park close to the store. I thought since it was so cold, maybe the managers let them park closer.

Sure enough, I finally found it. I parked beside her car and walked up to the drivers side and sure enough, it was locked! I started to panic, it was so cold, so I ran around to all the doors, and then all of a sudden, "put your hands on top of the car, NOW! Push the box with your foot towards me, move any other part of your body and I"ll shoot it off. Officer, can I speak? What's in the box? Is it a bomb of some kind? I said no it's a Christmas present. My wife works here and she asked me to bring it and the doors were locked so I tried all the doors, He said "it looked like a break in to me, now, what's in the box?  I said well, it's horse manure. He asked, "you would get yourself shot over a box of horse manure?" You're a moron with a box of manure. Let's go in and meet the wife so we can clear this up!" All the way in  the cop was muttering words like, clown, idiot a fry short of a happy meal, and my favorite, manure moron.
Free at last
My lovely wife came over and verified the story, the cop shook his head and let me go. I still don't feel free until this day. I've got lots more for you.
til next time, Please Leave a Comment. Thank You!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Changing Times, Go Back to the Past, or Make Life Better for Everyone.

Let's take a look at the past. Drugs, free love, "Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair" (I did love this song,between tokes)  The beginning of the STD epidemic. Terribly built automobiles, your brand new car was junk before it was paid for.  Today we're starting, strikes, boycotting businesses and good bye to Ding Dongs and Ho Hos. (Little Debbie is now the queen of sugar snacks) The unions are trying to regain the "lost" power they have been experiencing  over the last 20 years and they are hell bent on getting it back. I was an autoworker in the late 60's, just married, making big money.
  When you were hired at any of the "Big Three" you were quickly escorted to the uniform room and told to sign a Union agreement and were told that union dues were taken out each pay period I said what? What if I don't want to join, they said "then you have no job"
That's some history I don't want to return to. I will say this about the election, America has spoken and nothing will change that.

  Classic Michael Moore wants the rich to "drive off the fiscal cliff!" That gives me an idea, how about a grungy and stinky tax, at the very least Moore would have to take a shower. If he didn't, he would lose everything! Maybe we should look at a whole slew of different taxes. How about, Filthy Car Tax,Video Game Tax, Backpack Tax, Internet Tax, Walk Your Dog Tax, Watch TV Tax, Carpet Tax, Window Tax (you can only have five, total)
  How about, a Living in Your Parents Basement Tax, Dropping Out of College Tax, Moochers Tax. How about a "Too Many Cats Tax." "Flash Mob Tax" Can you imagine the revenue stream. What new taxes can you come up with? How about a "Not enough Tax, Tax"
This looks like a good reason for a Cat Tax.
 I'm not taking any side, but with an unfettered, Government, looking at the Constitution as a bunch of "Old Farts" piece of crap, is leading us down the garden path. I grew up in Boston, the history of this great country is embedded in me. Now embedded has something to do with computers and IPhone, which I love by the way, do you love yours? The richest company on the planet, Apple, made that happen.

Just a note about the Marathon bombings, I grew up in Boston, my high school friends and I used to go to Charlestown to see "Old Ironsides" I went to High School in Cambridge and walked past MIT every morning on my way to school. Those memories have forever been changed by this event. My thoughts and prayers go out to my fellow Bostonians and their resolve to get these guys. It took over 3500 days to get Bin Laden and only 4 days to get these guys. The message;

                             STAY OUT OF BOSTON, ASSHOLES!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How Come Employees Don't Help Each Other Anymore?

I have a part time job in a grocery store deli. We fry chicken, make salads, bake chicken, stock a salad bar, and do sandwiches and dips. Same old stuff, everyday. I remember back in the 80's, if you worked hard you got rewarded for it. Wages, were high and so was productivity. Since then skilled workers were starting to become scarce and today skilled workers are non-existent.
  Look where we are today, minimum wage, part time hours only, no paid holidays. Why? Lazy workers with no skills, no desire to improve themselves, and only care about themselves and could care less about helping their fellow employees finish a task.
  Calling off sick, not showing up, going home with a headache. They get fired and another loser shows up. Can this be fixed? They think "retirement" is changing a flat.
 I looked everywhere for some good advice as to how to handle lazy coworkers. This young lady  by far, has the best advice. The problem is only going to get worse. Robots are seriously being considered to take over some of the mundane duties in retail enviorments.
Another area I've noticed that's becoming a problem, taking responsibility for your actions, and apologizing for it. That's another post.
One thing that I did when another deli employee would leave the the last item they sliced on the slicer and leave it for someone else to wrap it for them and return to the meat case, I would say, "hey Frank, I got you covered". I made sure the rest of the employees heard it, because he did it to every body. Pretty soon, everyone started to help each other put things away. Customer service got faster and our weekly sales tripled. I love this video, til next time~