Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Easter Story Plus One More

Pontius Pilate
What do the polls look like
Screw Rasmussen!
Lazarus' Tomb
This gig (miracle) is the one that really got Jesus into trouble. "Hey. Lazarus, come out!" So out walks this dead guy who is now alive. In those days the guy in charge at the time was Pontius Pilate. I really don't think he had a backbone because his minions had him convinced  that this good guy was dangerous to them and to their power. I guess today he would be a Senator or in the House of Representatives. Jesus was beginning to really stir things up, of course, He knew what was coming at the end of the week. When He and His guys got close to Jerusalem, He told them to go get a donkey and her colt and bring them to me. You'll see them, their tied right on the town's edge. I need to take a ride into town. The locals turned out big time, and they laid down their jackets along the path that Jesus was taking into town and they got palm branches, and were waving them saying, "Glory to God and way to go big guy". Pilate's advisors convinced him that they needed this guy gone, so on trumped up charges, they decided that blasphemy was the way to go, and you know the rest of the story.
Joseph of Arimathea
Plus One
Another story you probably never heard was about Joseph of Arimathea, he was the guy who had the tomb that Jesus was kept in. Story goes that two apostles approached him about using his tomb for Jesus' burial. Word has it that he pitched a fit, when they first asked him. He said things like, "I saved my whole life to pay for that thing, where am I going to be laid to rest"? He also mentioned, once they roll that stone in front, it's over! The two apostles looked at each other and said yeah. ok, let's tell him. Joseph, Joseph, look, what's today, Thursday? "Please let Him use the tomb, He's only going to be there for the weekend anyway"!

Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Real Story about St. Patrick, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Bountiful Island

Irish Attractions
Irish Mountain Dwelling
Share this video with your kids. I just found it. I went to St. Patrick's school in Stoneham Mass. and the little girl who is asked to share the story, reminds me of a girl that was in my class. Mary Casey, she was so smart she really ticked us off! I think our "Sista" at the time was "Sista" Mary Finnbar, and I think she loved calling on her to inspire us to study and excel. Really? Hey, she kept me at school one night until 9 pm, until I got my Palmer method penmanship paper "perfect!" I was in the third grade, 8 years old, for crying out loud! I'm starting to flinch. Baby steps to 3 o'clock, baby steps to 3 o'clock. I'm better now.
Cliffs of Moher
City Dwelling
The Psychiatrist said this stuff would never come back. You know, when she hit you across the knuckles with the ruler, she hit you with the steel edge, man, that hurt. I'm, ok.  In defense of the Irish being outrageous drinkers, you have to understand, some of the finest whiskeys and stouts are made there, somebody has to drink them!
Same City Dwelling
Different View
The Emerald Isle

Friday, March 8, 2013

Do You Like Music, How About the Blues.

I did a post not long ago about my favorite baseline favorites. I mentioned B.B. King and Robert Cray in the same sentence, and stated that I thought Robert Cray could possibly be in the same league as B.B. This is an excellent video of four guitar legends. Where is Robert Cray? I guess I must be wrong.
I have always loved the blues, growing up with 11 brothers and sisters could have something to do with it. Anytime you said "can I have" the auto response was "NO". My first musical instrument was of course, the Harmonica, I wrote a song about my sister Mary, but it's still not ready for prime time. I have a "we were so poor"story. One winter we couldn't afford to heat our house, and since my brother Joey was the only one that had a pair of sneakers, my mother would make him run around the block three times. When he got back from his run, he would take his sneakers off and we would all gather around the sneakers, and warm our hands.
Now back to business, I am so pumped to tell you this, I can't wait, this is so huge, I'm so excited, oh,oh the phones ringing and the puppy needs to go out, rug or phone? Rug! If you want to see pictures of our Aussie "Katy" it was on my last post. On April 23rd 2013, at DPAC in Durham NC. at 7pm, one half hour from where I'm typing, only a half hour from Raleigh NC, the Capital city, 20 minutes from Sam's club and Trader Joes, 18 minutes from Petsmart and BJ's Wholesale club, did I mention Bed Bath and Beyond?
B.B. King and Robert Cray are together on the same stage at DPAC (Durham Performing Arts Center)  To see these two together playing at the same venue is incredible to me.
My favorite bass guitarist, Bernard Harris, give a listen.
Til next time~

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We got a New Puppie, Her name is Katy!


Katy's Big Day At PetSmart!

Australian Shepard, sweet and smart
with the all desired "Off Switch"

Katy, Christmas Eve 2012 at PetSmart

Loose leash 100 dogs and
pet parents in the place,
My wife is a dog trainer, one of the best in the country, I might add, and she thinks as far as smart and sweet, that Katy is the "Mother Load." More pictures and comments, to come, stay tuned. The house is full of family! One thing about these pictures, is that a heart shape between her front paws? Interesting! She just turned 4 months and two puppies have been spoken for from her first litter. we just picked her up a week ago. Hey, what's going on down there? Can I play? Be patient, Katy, be patient!

Look at all the videos and see what's coming!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Favorite Women Blues Artists

Of course Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight, Janis Joplin, Mamie Smith, Ida Goodson, Koko Taylor, Rory Block, Janis Joplin have all made their mark on blues history. These are just my favorites.
Bonnie Raitt
The first time I heard this lady on the radio, WRIF Detroit home of Ken Calvert, I heard a songbird. Effortless and unique, a lady who would rather sing than talk. I've added two of my favorites, one from her very first album, 1973, I think, and one selection from her latest album coming out in April. Her father was John Raitt, he did a lot of Broadway musicals and movies. Pajama Game, and Carosel were some of his work. They sang a duet together on TV back in the early 90's. He's gone now, but they were very close.
Look at her version of a Jerry Rafferty song, outstanding. Next post, a real surprise, a blues singer from right now, passionate and compelling. Stay tuned~

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Yorkshire Pudding, Simple Food, Family Loves It!

Made These Thanksgiving Day
Growing up in Boston, we were taught about the British Red Coats, Paul Revere, the Minutemen, the Boston Tea Party all the events that led us to become a "Free United States". Some customs left with the "yankee" culture, drinking tea instead of coffee is  favored among locals. Za-rex instead of Kool-aid. Dinner is called "suppa"and the bathroom is called the "pissa" which is the second word in describing something fabulous. Something fabulous in Boston speak is of course, "wicked pissa"

I remember every Sunday, my mother would make Sunday dinner. She timed it just right,  home from Mass, a beautiful roast beef with roasted potatoes, baked Italian tomatoes and Yorkshire pudding. It was named after Yorkshire, England, I would guess, with a pat of butter and beef gravy, the stuff is to die for. One thing we always did was save the salad for last, almost like dessert. The reason that made the most sense to me, some of the heavy duty Italian meals, spaghetti and meatballs for example could use a little help in the digestion process, the roughage that salad provides, makes sense. I've looked at a lot of video concerning the proper way to make Yorkshire Pudding, this one came the closest. I'll let you watch it and then I'll give you my recipe, which is similar but with a few Boston tips. He's very close. My little secrets are add an extra egg or two, measuring is unnecessary. Batter should have the consistency of pancake batter, Whisk until all lumps are gone. I use Jumbo cupcake tins . Preheating the pan, #1 most important, Preheat oven to 425 degrees, I use melted butter to grease the cups. Fill  cups 3/4 full. Butter should be almost smoking when the pan is hot enough. If you want the pudding cups darker in color add a drop or two of Kitchen Bouquet seasoning sauce. Oven roasted potatoes were also part of our Sunday tradition. Happy Holidays to you all and enjoy or endure you families for the holidays! I'll put up the roasted potato recipe for you.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Roasted Potatoes

Hmmm, will I need
one lantern or two?
 I grew up in a small Italian/Irish neighborhood located 8.6 miles outside of Boston, Massachusetts called Stoneham about a mile from Lexington. Stoneham wasn't incorporated yet. Growing up outside of  Boston, one of the subjects you were  taught in school was American history. We were surrounded by it on every corner.  From Paul Revere to the Lexington Minutemen, their names were immortalized by the town names, streets signs and even on local pub signs.

What I appreciate now as I  look back on my own history,  is the importance of passing that legacy on to those who don't know how this country started.  This was instilled in me growing up in a place so rich with history and importance.  The Bunker Hill Monument where I once was once assigned to count each and every stair in High School (284 if my memory serves me).  The Old North Church "one if by land, two if by sea"  where Paul Revere would put one lantern in the steeple, or two lanterns in the steeple depending on which way the English were about to arrive. Old Iron Sides, (USS constitution Warship) where they still do tours on the ship.  What ticks me off about the ship is some people complained about the ship's cannons going off each day celebrating our Independence. It was about the loud noise. So they had to face the ship's canons out toward the ocean to make these clowns happy. That tradition has been around 150 years. Can't we say KMA anymore!

Col. William Prescott Statue
at Bunker Hill
"Don't fire until you see the
whites of their
Old North Church
Well unfortunately for the English they did not win the war, but they did leave some English style food traditions behind which we still practice and enjoy today. For instance, more Massachusetts natives prefer hot tea with milk and sugar than coffee. Now one thing that was a tradition in our family growing up was our Sunday dinner.  It was open panned baked Roast Beef with roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, broccoli and fresh salad which in the Italian tradition was always eaten last. Now I have great love for my mother who raised 12 of us on her own, but God Bless her the roast beef was so tough that if you sliced it thin and applied rubber glue you could start a tire repair business. I used to call it "the meat that wouldn't go away".  I thought we would first tackle the Oven Roasted Potatoes and at a later date go for the Roast Beef.  This recipe is very, very easy, even for a newbie.


Potato size about 2 inch by 3 inch, make sure they are all about the same  size so they will all be done at the same time. (1)  Preheat oven to 400 degrees  (2)  peel and slice the bottom of each potato so it lays flat in the baking dish or pan  (two potatoes per serving) (3)  Put a half stick of butter or margarine on top of potatoes  (3) put in the oven (I know obvious)  (4) About a half hour into baking, pull potatoes out of the oven and brush melted butter over the top of the potatoes and return to oven  (5)  Cook until tops are nicely browned. 45 min. to an hour  (6)  Remove, let cool and enjoy  TIP:  Letting food rest is the ultimate secret to a great meal

Are you sure you want my mother's beef roast recipe? You asked for it.  (1) get a 5 pound eye of the round roast  (2)  put it in a baking dish at 400 and cook for 6 hours or until it almost catches fire  (3)  remove from oven and try  to slice it

 If you are having guests for dinner, make sure you never want to see them again. Oh and by the way, have your kids watch this video, maybe the whole family should watch it together!


The Spelling Bee

Where's Michele?
"Make sure you're home in time to take her to the spelling bee, or she'll be heartbroken!" I told my wife, look, I'll ask to get out early so I'll be here for sure. What school is it at, the Middle School she replied. My wife is an expert on all subjects. I was selling Real Estate at one time and she told me she had a great idea. "why don't you call the Listing guy and make a deal to split the commission 50/50. I said because that's against the law. Her reply "Really?" That's another story.
Off to the
Elementary School
Later that day, I did get home a little early, my daughter was running a little late, it was a beautiful day. I'm sure her and her buddy Corrina were taking their time coming up the driveway, we were a half mile back off the road. She finally got home and we headed for the Spelling Bee. We got to the Middle School (Jackies directions) and the school was vacant.I asked the Janitor where the Spelling Bee was and he said "not here."  My daughter started to cry, and I said It must be at the Elementary School. We finally got there, and yes, the Spelling Bee had already started. Boy, did I have to do a sell job for her to get back in. I heard, rules are rules, no late entries allowed. So I pulled out the Big Guns. Then you guys will have to tell her. They looked at her and said"Take a seat young lady"
Phewww! Dodged a bullet on that one, would've been bad news at home. You're probably wondering, wait a second, she told you to go to the wrong school, doesn't the wife share some responsibility here? It didn't work that way in my house. It was up to me to get it right, even if some of the details were  wrong. In any marriage, my wife believes that is part of the husbands responsibility. Now do you get it?
And now without
further adieu!
Now, the moment of truth. Each time a kid got up to spell, they would return to their seat each time they spelled their word correctly, my daughter was told to sit right next to the next kid getting up to spell. So they hadn't finished the first round, so we were that close to not being involved in the event. The kid next to her got up, went to the microphone and was asked to spell "knife" (can they use that word now in a spelling bee) He spelled it right. Now it was my Baby Girls turn, I thought maybe she'll get fork or spoon.  "please spell the word Finesse" "Finesse.......Fines"  "Finesse"We were in and out in 30 seconds. I told her at least you said it right. Her first response was" I need therapy, and a Dictionary, now!
By the time we got home we were both belly laughing about it, I told her you did spell "fines" right.
I called her this morning and it was like it happened yesterday. I told her I was going to Blog the story, she said ok.  She just turned 40. How about some Spelling Bee music?
Til next time Please Leave a Comment. Thank You!

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Tribute, "I Always Called Her, Mary"

Just this past week, Mary (my mother-in-law) passed away. The family all joined together for her send off up in the Detroit area (Wyandotte and Allen Park) to reflect and talk about memories that each of us had about her. We laughed, cried, went through tons of pictures, no fights about "stuff", no arguments. Cousins, sisters, aunts and uncles, some had not seen each other for years, hugged and said stuff like, "you don't look like you", "holy crap" "are you kidding me?" Mary would have loved it!
After the Funeral, we went  to Glo and Bill's house, had a wonderful dinner, played games, laughed, played with the little kids, all the things that she loved and lived for.
Typical Richards Living Room
Mary says, "Time to Move"
 This post is about how I remember her. Way back when Jackie and I got married, I had no idea what Michigan was. I grew up in the Boston area, when we said goodbye to someone we said "get outta heea"! Mary said "See yuns" What did that mean? Being in Catholic school my whole school life, "see nuns" made more sense to me. I was  also the first person to "get up in her face" big time and she actually loved  and respected me for that. (Mary, you were wrong by the way) Another trait I noticed, was when the garage and houses she lived in couldn't hold anymore stuff, she moved. The kids used to play hide and seek, Jackie said she never got caught. I asked her where did you hide? She said "under the kitchen table!" As the years went on, I noticed she was fearless about taking risks, starting a business, selling real estate, starting a newspaper. If she thought it would work, what the heck, let's do this! I really admired her for that. She wasn't perfect, but who is?
  My favorite memories, the Pawn shop, her love of art, South Haven and Chicago. Chicago shopping, she loved it, I went along so her and Jackie wouldn't miss the train, she and her daughter had no concept about time passing. I remember one trip she had a record setting week at her Pawn shop (New to You) and said she was going to make a cab drivers day. We paid for the Cab and she tipped him a Twenty, She was on top of the world the whole day. She was the only Pawn shop owner around who would rent handguns by the hour! (just kidding)

Her love of art, one time her and Jackie took some oil painting lessons from a well known artist in Saugatuck. She bought a painting from him and put it up for sale in her shop. The artist showed up a few days later and paid her 3x what she paid for it. I still ask myself, did she mean to do that?

  Her love of South Haven, a small vacation town on Lake Michigan. I remember when we moved her there -5 below in the middle of a blizzard. We were afraid to leave her there alone, but she said she would get a better deal on the place this time of year. What a lady, not my mother-in-law, just Mary.

Mary, this video is for you, watch it anytime you want.
Love, Jackie and Dennis

French Bread Pudding

I made this a few years ago for Christmas dinner, and I'll never forget the response from my brother in law Bill. He took a taste and it almost brought tears to his eyes, not because it was crummy, he said it reminded him of his mother's bread pudding which he hadn't had for years. (by the way he almost ate all of it by himself) So I'll share it with you just in time for this coming Christmas.
Ready for the oven

Custard Mix
Simply Beautiful

3 cups of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
12 eggs
1 and 1/2 quarts of milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 tablespoon cinnamon powder

Baking dish 9X13 or Deep Dish baking pan

1/2 loaf french bread shredded in a baking dish
1/4 pound butter melted and drizzled over bread pieces
1/2 cup of pecans sprinkled on top of bread peices
Pour on custard mix, bake at 325 degrees until bread is brown about an hour and 20 minutes.

Butter Sauce/optional (too sweet for me) I made it a set aside, it was available if you wanted it.
1 pound butter
1 1/2 # powdered sugar
4 egg1/4 cup of Amaretto (optional)

Hey, I looked everywhere, this was the closest "Bread" song I could find! Shhhh, I think the lead guitarist is actually Eric Clampton, David Gates was a "strummer")