Sunday, March 3, 2013

Yorkshire Pudding, Simple Food, Family Loves It!

Made These Thanksgiving Day
Growing up in Boston, we were taught about the British Red Coats, Paul Revere, the Minutemen, the Boston Tea Party all the events that led us to become a "Free United States". Some customs left with the "yankee" culture, drinking tea instead of coffee is  favored among locals. Za-rex instead of Kool-aid. Dinner is called "suppa"and the bathroom is called the "pissa" which is the second word in describing something fabulous. Something fabulous in Boston speak is of course, "wicked pissa"

I remember every Sunday, my mother would make Sunday dinner. She timed it just right,  home from Mass, a beautiful roast beef with roasted potatoes, baked Italian tomatoes and Yorkshire pudding. It was named after Yorkshire, England, I would guess, with a pat of butter and beef gravy, the stuff is to die for. One thing we always did was save the salad for last, almost like dessert. The reason that made the most sense to me, some of the heavy duty Italian meals, spaghetti and meatballs for example could use a little help in the digestion process, the roughage that salad provides, makes sense. I've looked at a lot of video concerning the proper way to make Yorkshire Pudding, this one came the closest. I'll let you watch it and then I'll give you my recipe, which is similar but with a few Boston tips. He's very close. My little secrets are add an extra egg or two, measuring is unnecessary. Batter should have the consistency of pancake batter, Whisk until all lumps are gone. I use Jumbo cupcake tins . Preheating the pan, #1 most important, Preheat oven to 425 degrees, I use melted butter to grease the cups. Fill  cups 3/4 full. Butter should be almost smoking when the pan is hot enough. If you want the pudding cups darker in color add a drop or two of Kitchen Bouquet seasoning sauce. Oven roasted potatoes were also part of our Sunday tradition. Happy Holidays to you all and enjoy or endure you families for the holidays! I'll put up the roasted potato recipe for you.

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