Saturday, April 28, 2012

Take a look at our store

With Mothers Day coming up, why not get Mom some Vintage jewelry. Take a look at our store, all the prices are fixed. No auction hassle, no getting beat out at the last second by someone's that had a gazillion transactions.
The site is easy to use, and you never know, you may have a bunch of stuff laying around that you can make some extra money on, in these tough times.
Quiet evening at home
Some rules that apply, items must be vintage, (25 years or older), handmade by someone, and spare parts. If you're not a "pack rat" hit some garage sales, church rummage sales and become one. As you can see, Jackie and I are enjoying a quiet evening at home. The paper I'm reading is dated May 20th 1978, the Wyandotte News Herald. This picture was taken in 2002. As you can see, we do have some extra things laying around. How would you like to see our storage rental?
She loves books
wife's recurring

She really loves books, one time I asked her about getting a "Kindle Fire" She said," the landlord asked us not to use the fireplace," I said no, it can download all your favorite books and you can read them anytime you want. She laughed, "Yeah, right!" and left the room. Seriously though, take a look at our site, and maybe It can help you "de-clutter."Go to Our store sites name is,  its as good as it gets, just type the name in the search box, watch a few tutorials and ask some questions. My next post will be around Mother's Day, our Anniversary is the same week. Happy Mothers Day. One whole week of lavishness! Til next Time~
I don't work for 1-800-flowers but this video is very touching and entertaining.